Tells story of a man he gave a blessing to in a soup kitchen, comes back in a vechile a few years later and he has a full-time job and is doing well.
People would get my address and they would send me handmade rosaries and I have about 20,000 rosaries in a box in an attic.
Saturno – A cappello romano (literally Roman hat in Italian) or saturno (because its appearance is reminiscent of the ringed planet Saturn) is a hat with a wide, circular brim and a rounded crown worn outdoors in some countries by Catholic clergy, when dressed in a cassock. It is made of either beaver fur or felt, and lined in white silk. Unlike many other articles of ecclesiastical attire, it serves no ceremonial purpose, being primarily a practical item.
What I didn’t know – The Secret of the Holy Face – the Holy Face has a history that goes back to the Old Testament.
His Face is mentioned over 500 times in the Old Testament.
Devotion makes us more tender to God and the graces of God.
If you follow my Commandments I will shine My Face on you and your enemies will be vanquished.
That is why abortion is so prevalent, if we don’t get the first 3 Commandments correct how can we get the last 7 correct?
God doesn’t punish us immediately now by touching His body w/o consecrated hands but He does by sending Priests and Bishops that are challenging.
If you are a Crusader Knight of the Holy Rosary – this is on your intentions every morning – the 2nd decade you pray against the 5 blasphemies against Our Lady.
The Shroud of Turin represents the object of the Death of Jesus.
The Veil of Veronica represents the Passion of Jesus.
I went into the fetal position of the 3 major booms the night before I did a talk about the Golden Arrow Prayer.
There are several levels of Hell and they all have to bend the knee for Jesus.
The original prayer given to Sr Mary was ‘In the Hells’
If the Devil hates it, he really hates it in Latin!!!!!!
If you and France will do this, I will spare France of Communism.
They didn’t do it and look where they are now.