Roman Veronica Veil Copies


2024 Update for the Veil of Veronica Project

Thank you for praying for the Veil of Veronica Project. The League of St. Martin is pleased to announce that we have had copies of the Holy Face of Jesus copied to a number of linens and touched to the Veil of Veronica in 2024. These were only touched to the Veil of Veronica and not the Spear and the Holy Cross as is custom. Nonetheless they are truly images touched to the true Veil of Veronica on which Jesus miraculously left his sacred image. There is a strict criteria for those who wish to receive a copy and they are as follows:

1. A bishop, archbishop or cardinal who formally requests by letter for a linen. Please mail a formal letter on letterhead to: 8309 W. Meadow Pass Ct., Wichita, KS 67205.

2. A pastor who formally requests by letter for a linen, with the promise to publicly display in his church. Please mail a formal letter on letterhead with details for the public display to: 8309 W. Meadow Pass Ct., Wichita, KS 67205.

3. A director of a new Confraternity of the Holy Face established by the local Ordinary no earlier than 2024 who formally requests a linen by letter. Please mail the letter to: 8309 W. Meadow Pass Ct., Wichita, KS 67205.

4. A chapter of the League of St. Martin that has maintained active status after the two-year point. (If you have not received one a few months after that date let us know.) Please note if a League has received three linens in the past, the League is not eligible to receive a new linen of the Veil of Veronica - 2024.

5. Those who by heroic promotion of the Holy Face and its Archconfraternities and Confraternities are approved by the director of the League of St. Martin.

After receiving the Veil copy it is recommended to erect a shrine of the Holy Face. See links for suggestions for the shrine.

Please continue to pray for this project so that additional copies touched to the authentic Veil of Veronica will be more available in the future!

Questions and Answers

What can you do now?

Become a contemplative to stop the progress of revolutionary men. Now is their hour. It seems evil has everything on it’s side, but God will not be mocked by them if there is a counter-revolution. The best things in the Church start with contemplation.

What is the process for the League of St Martin to make copies of the Veil of St. Veronica?

First the League makes copies on linen. Then we need to make a connection with a prelate in Rome to help us get a meeting with the one in charge at St. Peter’s Basilica in order to touch the linens to the Veil of Veronica, the Holy Spear and the Holy Cross. Then we give them out to pious associations and ecclesiastical bodies.

How do I get a copy of the Veil of Veronica from the League of St. Martin?

One has to be in a Monastery or Convent, or Ecclesiastical body approved by the Director and his council. Also when a prayer group led by a captain called a League of St. Martin has reached certain goals of contemplation, they will get some veils after approval by the Director and his council. After receiving the Veil copy it is recommended to erect a shrine of the Holy Face. See links above for suggestions for the shrine.

What is the best way to become a part of this project?

First turn to God and ask Him how to get involved. Pray for the League of St. Martin. If you can help with the Rome connection, reach out to us. After turning to God, wait on Him to give you action items.