The formation for ARCHERS includes the following works in addition to the formation for Subscribers and Defenders.

However tender was her devotion to the Child Jesus, it cannot be compared to the devotion which she had for the Holy Face
— Mother Agnes of Jesus testifying at the Process of Canonization about her Sister

The Golden Arrow

Sr. Mary of St. Peter

Is about the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus based on the revelation of Sr. Mary of St. Peter Carmelite in Tours, France.

The Holy Man of Tours

Dorothy Scallan

Is about the Apostle of the Holy Face of Jesus. Miracles from the oil lamp of the relic of Our Lord Jesus Christ were so numerable that Pope Pius IX declared Ven. Lee Dupont to be perhaps the greatest miracle-worker in Church history.

The Whole World Will Love Me

The Life of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face by

Dorothy Scallan

Fascinating book about the hidden life of St. Therese of Lisieux and the secret cause of her holiness: the biography of Sister Mary of St. Peter and that her devotion to the Holy Face was greater than any of her other devotions. If everyone who loves this Saint knew of her love for the Holy Face, I dare say 1,000,000 will enroll into the Archconfraternity or Confraternities of the Holy Face! (Only available as e-book)